Finding Clarity
Searching For Truth
My biggest passion has always been searching for the truth of things. The truth of existence, life, and self - in all forms.
From a very young age, I could always see through the façade of society. I could see how the ways people were living, the ways people were treating each other and were treating the Earth, were causing more harm than good. I always questioned traditional ways of thinking and made the rules up for myself. I am proud of that quality I possess, when I use it wisely.
My chosen method of discovery in life has been - and still is - experience. A life of many experiences, of all shapes and forms, has given me a trial-and-error way of learning and walking through life that has brought me to where I am today. To a place where my intuition and deep connection to myself and others is my biggest asset. Where I am more and more intentional with my words and actions every day, where I can see into the depths of things easily, and can see beyond the picture that is in front of me.
I have very much been shifting into a softer way of living. My way of experiencing life is essentially, through emotion, and through transmuting emotion into action.
In the past, not knowing what truth really was led me down some rabbit holes of lies. Not understanding my emotions and rejecting my shadows led me to darkness and despair. In the process, I became vulnerable to those who preyed on my light, fuelling a cycle of fear, suppression, and convolution.
Losing sight of the truth of my self led me to desperately seek approval from the wrong people, led me to believe lies I was told about how I should be or what I should be doing, and how I ought to be doing it. Throughout my journey, I realised that the path may be paved with blood, tears, and confusion, but it is within this darkness that transformation can really occur.
I am not afraid of ugly, messy, or chaotic. It is, after all, what our mere existence is about. Life is not pretty though of course, it definitely can be. A beautiful mess.
Discovering Authenticity
Sometimes the truth takes a while to become clear. And what is truth, really? While there are universal truths that do exist, your truth can be whatever you want it to be at the end of the day.
So instead of always searching for the truth, which may sometimes slip by, or may not be what you think it is, I now choose the path of discovering authenticity.
Authenticity, in all its forms. Good, bad, and ugly. Authenticity of self, of life, of others. Of relationships, of experiences, of dreams, of existence… It is my quest, my dharma.
I have chosen to become my authentic self and to find out what that really means. Without shame, without fear, without judgement.
I choose the path of authenticity so that I can learn to embody the truth of what makes me, me. That, in turn, is what I believe leads to a life of purpose, alignment, and direction.
I have chosen to learn how to love myself unconditionally, so that I am better equipped to show love to those around me, to show love to the planet that holds me, and the stars that guide me. That is my true path. That is where I am heading. And life has been incredibly magical since I made that conscious decision for myself.
It has led me to experience love beyond words, to hold my shadows and learn to nurture them, and it has led me to find Clarity. To find me. To find a clear path towards becoming authentic, and to help others in the process.